Lunchtime Talks
December Lunchtime Talk
"Evaluation of the Focus Ireland Shielding Service Meeting Registration Zoom
November Lunchtime Talk
"An Evaluation of the Focus Ireland PETE Programme, Dublin – A Pivot to Online Service Provision in 2021 Meeting Registration Zoom
October Lunchtime Talk
"A ‘Hidden’ Homelessness in Northern Ireland Meeting Registration Zoom
September Lunchtime Talk
"An Examination of Emergency Accommodation Usage by Single People in Dublin Meeting Registration Zoom
Peer Research Guidebook Launch
"Peer Research in Housing and Homelessness: A Guidebook for Organisations, Researchers and Funders Meeting Registration Zoom
April Lunchtime Talk
"Coping Strategies Developed by Renters in Response to Housing Precarity Meeting Registration Zoom
March Lunchtime Talk
"On-Street Food Services in Dublin: A Review Meeting Registration Zoom
February Lunchtime Talk
"Generation Rent and Housing Precarity in 'Post Crisis' Ireland Meeting Registration Zoom
January Lunchtime Talk
"Counting Homelessness in Belgium: Local Counts as an Advocacy Strategy Meeting Registration Zoom
December Lunchtime Talk
"It started at home": Prevention of Youth Homelessness, An Exploration of Mediation in Networks of Care and Place Attachment Meeting Registration Zoom
November Lunchtime Talk
Intercultural Competence Training: The Case of an Irish, Not-for-profit, Community Based Organisation for the Homeless in the Republic of Ireland Meeting Registration Zoom